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Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School Classes

Note: All class times are listed in CENTRAL TIME ZONE. Thank you!

W04: The Ergonomics of Uilleann Piping (Friday only)

Instructor: Michael Stribling - Read full bio

Price: $50.00

Location: St. Matthews (Check-in CelticMKE Center)

Start Date: Fri, August 16, 2024 Start Time: 10:45 AM

End Date: Fri, August 16, 2024 End Time: 12:15 PM

Description: This workshop is open to pipers of all playing level, and is designed to help those just picking up the chanter for the first time, to those looking how to stabilize their drone pressure, and finally to those who would like to be able to "reach" their regulators more effectively, and further incorporate them into their playing. The Uilleann Pipes are a difficult instrument (at the best of times!), and being able to work with them, instead of against them, can help to aid significantly in learning and mastering them. Topics covered will include; Proper sitting position and leg placement, bag adjustments and air pressure balancing, regulator accessibility, adjustments and fine tuning. The goal of this class will not be to come away with a new tune, but to be able to play your favorite tunes (possibly with drones and regulators), more easily, and efficiently.

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