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Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School

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Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School Instructors

Note: All times are listed in CENTRAL TIME ZONE. Thank you!

Liz Carroll

Instructor Website: http://www.lizcarroll.com/home

Teaching Tune Composition (M-T-W)

Liz Carroll was born in Chicago of Irish parents. She's a junior and senior All-Ireland Fiddle Champion, and has toured as a solo artist and with the Greenfields of America, Trian, String Sisters, and as part of the duo Liz Carroll & John Doyle. She's featured on eleven albums and has appeared on many more. Liz is a recipient of the National Heritage Fellowship Award (1994). In 2010 she became the first Irish-American musician nominated for a Grammy. In 2011 she became the first American-born composer honored with the Cumadóir TG4, Ireland's most significant traditional music prize.

Liz's most recent recording project is titled, "Who Do We Say We Are?" As part of Ireland's 2022 Centenary celebration at Trinity's Long Room Hub and at the Snite Museum at Notre Dame, Liz composed music inspired by art that appeared at the 1922 Paris Exposition d'Art.

You can find Liz's tune writing site at www.patreon.com/lizcarroll, and you can find the just released Season One of "The Lizzes Podcast" (with Liz and Liz Knowles), on Spotify, Pandora, and Apple Podcasts.

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