Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School Instructors
Note: All times are listed in CENTRAL TIME ZONE. Thank you!
Patrick Gallagher
Instructor Website:
Teaching Celtic Art Metal Workshop (T-W-Th) and Celtic Kids Camp Art (T-W-Th)
Patrick Gallagher is a professional artist, designer, sculptor and printmaker. He specializes in carved decorative architectural artifacts for public, private and spiritual environments. His expertise is in the Book of Kells style of Celtic Art. He has taught Celtic studio art at hundreds of venues including three Summer Celtic Art Workshops at the Oideas Gael School at Glencolumkille in Ireland.
Mr. Gallagher is an Adjunct Professor at the County College of Morris. He teaches Sculpture, Three Dimensional Design and Art History. He has a Masters in Fine Arts Education from Kean University. Please visit his You Tube Channel under Patrick Gallagher Celtic Art. For more information: and at: