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Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School

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Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School Instructors

Note: All times are listed in CENTRAL TIME ZONE. Thank you!

Stephanie O'Connell

Instructor Website: https://familydiscovered.com/

Teaching: Friday Sampler Genealogy: From Records to Stories: Crafting Narratives of our Ancestors Lives

Stephanie O’Connell is a professional genealogist who holds the Certified Genealogist credential from the Board for Certification of Genealogists.  

At the heart of Stephanie’s work is her love for genealogy research, a passion that drives her to delve deep into the archives of history. Specializing in Irish research, her journey began with a fascination for her own family history, leading to a profound understanding of the complex migration patterns, social histories, and ancestral connections between Ireland and England.   

Stephanie’s education in advanced methodologies and evidence analysis, empower her to dissect complex historical records with precision. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and insights with aspiring genealogists through lectures and serving as a ProGen Study Group Mentor.   

Stephanie’s technical expertise and social history education make her an ideal guide in the exploration of your family history.

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