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Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School Classes

Note: All class times are listed in CENTRAL TIME ZONE. Thank you!

M15: Piano Accompaniment

Instructor: Danny Collins - Read full bio

Price: $150.00

Location: St. Matthews (Check-in CelticMKE Center)

Start Date: Tue, August 13, 2024 Start Time: 02:30 PM

End Date: Thu, August 15, 2024 End Time: 04:00 PM

Description: In this class we will look at various styles and approaches to accompany Irish Traditional Music on the Piano. We will look at and discuss, how the use of different chords and rhythmic structures can enhance melodies. Students are encouraged to bring a recording device to this class.

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CelticMKE: Home of Milwaukee Irish Fest


Milwaukee Irish Fest

Milwaukee Irish Fest

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